Beauty Secret: Lemon!!

Did you know that you can can use lemons to improve you appearance? Find out how. Drink a glass or two of unsweetened lemonade in the mo...

Did you know that you can can use lemons to improve you appearance?

Find out how.

Drink a glass or two of unsweetened lemonade in the morning,it will boost
your immune system,promote good digestion and it will also help improve your complexion.

Do you have yellow nails,as a result of wearing dark nail polish too long? You can get rid of it if you pour lemon juice into a small bowl and then soak your nails in it for one or two minutes.
Some women claim that this treatment strengthens nails,especially if you add a bit of olive oil into the lemon juice.

If you want to get rid of sun spots , try it with lemon
juice.Apply lemon juice on a cotton pad and then on the spots that you want to make lighter.With daily application the spots could become lighter.

The Face-Pores
Apply lemon juice on a cotton pad and clean your face with it.It will remove excess fat and tighten the pores.

If you are not able to take a shower or apply deodorant...cut a lemon in half and apply a bit below your armpit...the acid in the juice will kill the bacteria that cause odor.

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