Tutorial: Button Grab Box for Blogger

Some of you probably have trouble making a button and a grab box for your blog. We had no idea at first and had a really hard time putting a...

Some of you probably have trouble making a button and a grab box for your blog. We had no idea at first and had a really hard time putting a button on our blog. Here is how we did it and the code that worked for us.

1.You have to choose an image and upload it on a site like Photobucket. There you can edit the pic,add text and other effects. Make sure you crop your picture to look like a square.

2.Resize your picture. Our button is 125 x 125,which is what most people use. Take a look at our button just to get the idea what 125 x 125 looks like, then you can choose if you want it a bit bigger or smaller.

3.After that copy the direct link for your image from Photobucket or keep the page open because you are going to need it later.

4.Go to your layout tab in Blogger and click on add a gadget. Then click on HTML/JavaScript and copy paste the following code.

5.<div align="center"> <a href="YOUR WEBSITE URL" target="_blank"><img alt="YOUR SITE NAME" src="IMAGE URL" /></a> </div> <div align="center"> <form><textarea rows="4" cols="14"><center><a href="YOUR WEBSITE URL" target="_blank"><img alt="YOUR SITE NAME" src="YOUR IMAGE URL" /></a></center></textarea></form> </div>

6.The 'IMAGE URL' is the direct link for your picture.

That's it,now you can show off your cool button with the grab box.

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