
Mosquito Repellent

It's getting warmer outside and guess who is roaming around?  Yes, Mosquitoes!!  If you are like me then mosquitoes love you, but you ...

It's getting warmer outside and guess who is roaming around?  Yes, Mosquitoes!!  If you are like me then mosquitoes love you, but you done love them back.  So you need some good Mosquito repellent that won't repel people too because you smell awful..... Here are some Homemade ideas to repel those little suckers :)

Basil...Buy some fresh basil leaves and rub the crushed leaves all over your skin.

Garlic...Well you don't want to smell like garlic, so when you are enjoying the sun on your patio grab some garlic cloves and leave them next to you on the table or drink some garlic apple cider vinegar which will come through your pores...Anything Garlic a great mosquito repellent.

Lavender....Great smell.  Purchase lavender sachet bags and carry them with you.  Lavender oil is a makes for a great lotion that will repel mosquitoes or if you are just sitting outside put some lavender flowers in a vase next to you.

Thyme... is a great Insect repellent use it on your clothing or make sachet bags with the leaves and flowers.

Homemade Mosquito Repellent Recipe:

10-25 drops essential oil. Try lavender, coriander seeds, peppermint, cajeput and citronella
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon Aloe Vera gel (optional)

Combine the ingredients in a glass jar; stir to blend. Dab a few drops on your skin or clothing.

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