
Blue and White Stripes

Stripes, I'm not a big fan of them but they're still a trend and I decided to give them a chance. I'm glad I did because th...

Stripes, I'm not a big fan of them but they're still a trend and I decided to give them a chance.
I'm glad I did because this top is super cute, I especially love the colorful necklace that comes with it.
My whole look minus the Nicole Lee bag is from Rainbow Shops.

I could have made this look more classic with some white pants, pumps or something in that direction but I just felt like adding a pop of color with the bag and a bit of an edgy vibe with the jeans and boots.

I was gifted the Givenchy Beauty Rouge Interdit in No. 13. I reviewed it already on my Instagram where you can read more about it. I love to wear it, its satin and creamy color is very long lasting and my lips feel moisturized.

What do you think of this look? 

Pruge, nisam njihov veliki obožavatelj, ali one su i dalje u trendu i odlučila sam da im dam šansu.
Drago mi je što jesam jer je majica preslatka, baš volim šarenu ogrlicu koja dođe s njom.
Čitav moj outfit osim Nicole Lee torbe je od Rainbow Shops.

Mogla sam majicu kombinovati klasično sa nekim bijelim pantalonama, štiklicama ili nekako u tom pravcu, ali sam odlučila da dodam malo boje sa torbicom i pomalo edgy vibe sa  farmerkama i čizmama.

Nedavno mi je poklonjen Givenchy Beauty Rouge Interdit broj 13 kako bih ga probala, više o njemu možete pročitati na mom Instagramu. Jako mi se svida, njegova saten i kremasta boja je vrlo dugotrajna i usne se osjećaju jako njegovano.

Kako vam se čini ovaj look?

Shop my look:

Rainbow Shops | Top | Jeans | Boots
Nicole Lee | Bag

Brought to you in collaboration with Rainbow Shops, Octoly, Givenchy Beauty and Nicole Lee. All opinions expressed are my own

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  1. Leila, This look is so amazing and you are right strips are awesome and it looks fabulous on you. I also love what you have done with details . This look is spectacular.
    Thank you

  2. I'm so glad you gave stripes a try! You look great! Stripes are so classic and one of my favorite patterns =)

  3. I'm totally obsessed with striped shirting at the moment and thank god it is such a big trend for this spring and summer. I won't be getting out of it!

  4. I don't care if stripes are a trend or not as I've always loved them and these blue and white stripes really caught my eye as they're right up my alley! I love, love, love stripes, especially on you! :)

    1. You're always so sweet, thank you. Enjoy your weekend. XX :)

  5. I'm obsessed with stripes right now! Love this top so much and great styling!
    Anca http://www.agracefullife.net/laduree-vancouver/

    1. Me too :) Thanks so much.Have a great weekend.

  6. Blue and white stripes always make me feel it's Spring! All your accessories are fabulous too! Love the bag!

    Tatyana x

  7. What a cute outfit. Love that bag.
    xoxo, Rachel

  8. But i love stripes!Especially black and white, but blue looks good as well! Cool look, i like your bright necklace!Have a good day!

    1. Thanks Aleksandra :) I think the necklace is fun. Xx

  9. You always have stunning bags! Super cool look as always :)

  10. Ich liebe das gestreifte Oberteil und die Tasche
    ist auch super schön!!

    xx frank

  11. Lovely outfit Leila. That multicoloured necklace is the Bizzzzzz!! :)

  12. Love the sleeve detail on that blouse

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