
Review of Tosave

I love to discover new stores, so when I was approached by Tosave.com I was happy to give them a try. They are an online retailer with ...

I love to discover new stores, so when I was approached by Tosave.com I was happy to give them a try. They are an online retailer with affordable prices and many categories from Electronics to Fashion and iphone Accessories, the options are endless. They also have free shipping if you choose Airmail and Price Match, so you'll always get the best price.

I think this velvet dress is pretty and cute. They have 5 color options on their website. I am a big fan of pink these days so of course I went for that one. I didn't want the look to be too cute and added a bit of an edgy touch with the boots and leather jacket.

Why stop with the pink ? The  top is simple and looks great with jeans for an everyday look. I realized that I need more simple tops, so this one is just what I needed.

Also if you like Hair Extensions make sure to check out their other online store 'Rose Hair Extensions'. Their clip in hair, Micro Ring/Loop Hair, Tape Hair, stick tip hair, nail tip hair, Weft Waving Hair, Remy Hair and Indian remy hair are all 100% Human Hair.

What do you think?

Volim da otkrivam nove trgovine, tako da kada sam dobila ponudu od Tosave.com odlučila sam da probam. Oni su online trgovina sa povoljnim cijenama i mnogo kategorija, od Elektronike do Mode i iphone dodataka, opcije su beskrajne. Oni također imaju besplatnu dostavu ako se odlučite za Airmail i Price Match tako da uvijek dobijete najpovoljniju cijenu. Dostavljaju širom svijeta.

Mislim da je ova plišana haljina preslatka. Imaju 5 boja na njihovoj web stranici. Ja sam veliki fan roze ovih dana pa sam onda tu boju i izabrala. Nisam htjela da ovaj look bude previše sladak i zato sam je sparila sa čizmicama i kožnom jaknom.

Zašto prestati sa rozom bojom tu? Majica je jednostavna i izgleda sjajno uz farmerice za svakodnevni izgled. Shvatila sam da mi treba više jednostavnih majica, tako da je ova upravo ono što mi je trebalo. 

Isto tako, ako vam se sviđaju umetci za kosu posjetite njihovu drugu online trgovinu 'Rose Hair Extensions'. Svi umetci su 100% ljudska kosa.

Kako vam se čini?

Shop this look:

New Ladies V-Neck Long Sleeve Hoodie Zip up Women's Jumper Pullover Blouse Top

New Women Crushed Velvet Dress Ladies Casual Loose Short Sleeve Party Mini Dress

Brought to you in collaboration with Tosave. All opinions expressed are my own.

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  1. Wow das Kleid ist der Hammer

  2. Those pink choices ar amazing ! I love the velvet !


  3. I absolutely love the velvet dress, you are looking so fabulous . Velvet looks gorgeous on young you know exactly how to wear it . love it

  4. I love the use of different textures; always trying to change this up myself. I've not yet incorporated much velvet apart from shoes but this dress is so cool!

    Ben | www.twentyfirstcenturygent.com

  5. I'm so in love with velvet this season! I love it both ways in the pink for these outfits!

  6. Love both of your looks. Cute velvet dress. xoxo, Rachel

  7. Das Samtkleid ist super süß!

    xx frank

  8. I'm a huge fan of pink everything right now and I already noticed that dress on Instagram and loved it. And like you said, why stop there? I loved the pink top as well! :)


  9. The color and texture of this gorgeous dress is absolutely fabulous and stunning! You also have the best accessories!

  10. I have never heard about this store! Need to have a look!
    About velvet dress, you are so beautiful in it!I wore also velvet dress last weekend. Adore it!

  11. Wow ein tolles Kleid. Die Farbe ist grandios.

    Liebste Grüße
    Claudia von minnja.de

  12. das erste kleid in kombination mit der lederjacke ist mein favorit!! sehr sehr schön :) urlaubsgüße aus dem hotel grödnertal

  13. Kleider stehen dir wirklich so gut! Vor allem das Pinke! :)

  14. Wow, girl, you look hot!!

    XX from Germany
    Want Get Repeat

  15. Awesome outfit!
    Have a nice week-end!
    Gil Zetbase

  16. As always, you look fabulous Leila. Funky pink dress!

  17. I love that velvet dress, from the colour to the cut it just looks so cool especially with how you have styled it!

  18. Oh wow! You look SO gorgeous!!! really inspired !!

  19. I don't like mini but it is lovely dress


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