Casual Look with an Edgy Touch

Hope you all had a great and productive week. I was very busy and still have so much to do. Do you also have those days when you hav...

Hope you all had a great and productive week. I was very busy and still have so much to do. Do you also have those days when you have no idea how you're going to get things done? Those days when you're not too sure if you're doing the right thing and how everything is going to work out?

Well, I am in that kind of mood at the moment but I guess that'll pass soon. My biggest mistake is that I think too much and sometimes we just have to go with the flow.

At least I'm doing everything in my cool outfits from Rainbow Shops. They just have the cutest looks. Trying on clothes is like a therapy for me :)

How do you keep yourself from overthinking?

Shop my look:

Lace Up Flat Boots (On sale for $6.00) Can you believe it?
Bag | Nicole Lee

Nadam se da ste imali ugodnu sedmicu. Ja sam bila jako zauzeta i jos uvijek imam puno posla da zavrsim. Da li imate i vi onih dana kada nemate pojma kako ćete sve zavrsiti? Onih dana kada niste sigurni da li radite pravu stvar?

Ja sam trenutno u takvom raspoloženju, ali pretpostavljam da će uskoro i to proći. Moja najveća greška je da razmisljam previše, a ponekad treba stvari pustiti da idu svojim tokom, onako spontano.

Makar to sve radim u slatkoj odjeci od Rainbow Shops.Oni imaju tako medene stvarcice.Probanje odjece je kao terapija za mene  :)

Kako vi skrenete svoje misli i zaustavite se od previse razmisljanja?

Brought to you in collaboration with Rainbow Shops. All opinions expressed are my own

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  1. You look awesome! Love this rock chick look and the boots are to die for!

    Tatyana x


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